Got Connection?
This is an actual weekly write-up from one of our Thumos brothers. Enjoy.
When posed the question, "how connected am I?", my mind immediately answers from a perspective of "connection with my family and friends". That is certainly applicable, but I believe it is only part of the full answer. When thinking about connection I see 3 main components (there may be more).
Connection with myself
- Realizing my true identity
- Being comfortable with where I am in life
- Resting in the process/season I'm in
- Loving who I am
Connection with God
- Spiritual connection to our creator
- Recognizing God is pure love and light
- Understanding that I am made in the image and likeness of God
Connection with the world around me
- Immediate family (wife/kids)
- Extended family (mom/dad/grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins/etc.)
- Friends/co-workers
- The earth (plants/animals/atmosphere)
I don't purport to be the expert on connection, but as I study these components I see them as important in the order listed, at least for me. I have to be connected to myself (comfortable with who I am) in order to be truly connected to God, which is necessary in order for me to truly connect with those around me. If I don't understand that I am made in the image and likeness of God, and am loved by Him, then I will likely have a false/flawed perception of God that will hamper my connection to Him. I'll see him as judging or vengeful, because I am judging myself. I'll also not see that my true nature, and His, is of love and light. Then, as I try to connect to the world around me, I will do it from a place of darkness/flesh.
So for me, connection starts with introspection and expanding on the original question with "how connected am I to myself?" If I'm challenged in that area, that's my starting point. Honesty is absolutely required in order to lay a foundation for growth in this area.
How are you really doing around connection to yourself, God, and the world around you? What is one item you can focus on this week to improve your connection with yourself, God, and/or the world around you?
Man my busyness is my greatest block to connection to myself & God. I really struggle to maintain a scheduled and purposed time of reflection and connection that isn’t interrupted by the urge to be busy.