The Fast Journey - "From Pain To Purpose To Prosperity"

Jody works directly with ambitious, motivated men & women who are ready. 
Men are met where they are in life, and a private, custom program is agreed upon and then implemented jointly to provide the man with measurable results. 
Typically, men working with Jody are focused on moving out of pain and into prosperity in 3 key areas:  Relationships (Marriage & Dad-hood), Fitness & Health, and Business/Career.

The process is simple...

The man (you) & Jody first meet via a 15 minute Zoom call to discuss your problem/pain point and both your and Jody determine if 1) he can help you and 2) if you both are a match (vibe check).  

Assuming the 15-minute call goes well and both agree to move forward, a personalized program is set up and discussed in a second, 60-minutes call.  This is where a plan is built, which includes pricing, to reach the desired and agreed upon results.  Plans are typically 12 weeks, but other plans are also avaiable based on needs and timelines.  

Might you be a candidate?

Jody likes to work with "A - C" "students" but all must be 'hungry'.  It's his opinion that hunger and motivation is very difficult to teach.  If you are a man who is ready to 'unlock' potential and 'upgrade' yourself, and you are willing and can make the time to put in the work, then you and Jody might be a fit. 

Ready To Book A Free, 15-Minute Call?  Click Here 

"Jody's help changed my life." - Travis White, Louisiana