I Love BPC 157 To Heal
I recommend stuff that has worked in the real world, and typically has the data/studies to back it up (I'm not a fan of hype and marketing based results in mice only). With that said, I've used BPC with great success, and, I'm not alone, as many men in the Thumos community have also used it on my recommendations. Knees healed after 20 years, elbows like new again, a neck injury that was about to require surgery, stiff hips fixed, and so on. Can it re-attach a torn rotator cuff? Of course not. But, it's a true healing agent (not a drug that 'masks' the pain).
BPC stands for “Body Protecting Compound” and it's a peptide that your body makes it in your own gastric juices in very small amounts, where it serves to protect and heal your gut.
I find that it works via subQ into the belly and/or very near the injury (both work).
Check out this article, by Ben Greenfield, for more information. Or check out this study, to see the results.
BPC 157. I'm a fan! It can be obtained via one of my trusted partners (Ways2Well or Defy), by clicking here!