Thumos Optimizing Men Membership - What To Expect!

Members will:

- Experience more health, wealth, passion and freedom.

- Be part of a connected-circle of like-minded men who support you, have your back, and help you grow, assuring that you show up better as a husband, dad, brother, and friend

- Meet weekly with subject matter experts, and the seasoned, in the aspects of optimizing men - body, mind, and spirit

- Be part of a connected community of men who care about you

- Stay connected, throughout the week, for sustained performance

- Have one-on-one access to all the men in the inner circle (a master-mind group)

- Have one-on-one access to the Thumos Founder and his elite team

- Follow a proven path to find and fulfill your purpose, mission and vision for your life

- Get advice, answers and solutions to your health, hormones, diet, nutrition, workout and recovery questions

- Get special pricing on the Thumos Weekend Experience

- Have access to the recommended reading (books)

- Receive special discount pricing on Thumos Apparel and Gear

- Have access to the exclusive list of recommendations and resources that have evolved through a collective century of experience from it's members

- Obtain more passion, vibrance, and confidence in your life. You will be 'winning'.

- Be contract free - so you stay as long as you are unlocking your potential, and no longer!

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