Why I Left Corporate America
Leaving my corporate job of 17 years, with 25 years in the industry was very hard. In the video, I cover the 3 primary reasons why I finally chose to leave my job: 1) I was going nowhere, 2) I had changed and the company I worked for had changed; and 3) Most importantly, I found something better, which was (and is) coaching, both business and personal coaching for high potential individuals. I discuss the important of passion, purpose, and God given talents, as well as the importance of going to work, hard, on them. I also give my suggestions for those who are stuck in a rut per their job or business.
Want to live an optimal, healthy life, you might have to get out of the rut around your current job or business. Leaving a comfortable, high paying job was difficult for me. If I can do it, you possibly can too. I'm not a big risk taker. So, I had my financial house in order. I still have to earn, but I'm in good shape for a while, while I build the business. The transition will not be easy, but it'll be worth it, as it's aligned with my passion, purpose, and gifts. I'm also not afraid of hard work. I'll post more about this topic in hopes that it can help others in their journey. Men, do you need to belong to something bigger that you? Are you real clear on your mission, vision and purpose in life? Are you winning? Can you use support, from like-minded men, to be better? Are you fully alive? Have you truly unlocked all of your potential?
Click on the pic to see the video.