- Be part of a connected-circle of like-minded men who support you, have your back, and help you grow, assuring that you show up better as a husband, dad, brother, and friend
- Meet weekly with subject matter experts, and the seasoned, in the aspects of optimizing men - body, mind, and spirit
- Be part of a connected community of men who care about you
- Stay connected, throughout the week, for sustained performance
- Have one-on-one access to all the men in the inner circle (a master-mind group)
- Have one-on-one access to the Thumos Founder and his elite team
- Follow a proven path to find and fulfill your purpose, mission and vision for your life
- Get advice, answers and solutions to your health, hormones, diet, nutrition, workout and recovery questions
- Get special pricing on the Thumos Weekend Experience
- Be part of the recommended reading and growth book club
- Receive special discount pricing on Thumos Apparel and Gear
- Have access to the exclusive list of recommendations and resources that have evolved through a collective century of experience from it's members
- Obtain more passion, vibrance, and confidence in your life. You will be 'winning'.
- Plus more.... click here to find out more or
The Men's Weekend Experience
Click on the pic. to see real men in this raw video!
- Unlock the potential that’s already inside of you
- Disconnect from current reality and re-discover nature, peace and God
- Stand shoulder to shoulder and sit knee to knee with like-minded men, to help them get whatever it is they came for
- Learn, share, and develop a plan, to maximize mind (passion, purpose, perspective, and path forward) and body (health, energy and performance) to unlock the spirit (faith) in side of you.
- Integrate as a man to identity strengths and areas that need focus
- Go-back home with with a huge injection of passion and energy
- Show up better for your wife, kids, and love ones
- Be part of a coaching & mentoring community, where men are real
- Be met where you are, but expect to get clarity on where you are going
- Optimize your life! For more weekend information click here
- Have the option to stay connected, and further integrate what you learned, with like-minded men, via the Inner Circle private membership
Optimizing Marriage and Attraction

You Will: Learn how to attract your wife reliably, consistently and effectively with more joy for both you and her!
A 3-Part Teaching & Coaching Program Offered By Rebecca Watson, Founder of PeakMarriage.com & Jody Licatino, Founder of Thumos USA.
This Group Program is limited to 8 men.
Benefits of the Program:
Wives will feel more:
- Valued
- Loved
- Connected
- Protected/Cherished
- Energized
- Freed from sexual pressure & being an object for sex
- Supported & less pressured
- Better listened to
- Trusting in your overall strength & leadership as a husb
- Your girlfriend back, e.g., a wife who is into you
- Better intimacy with no more fights about sex - ever
- Less nagging
- Fewer fights about nothing
- A wife who believes in you and help unlock your full potential
- A trusted partner, who respects you
- A more peaceful and joyful wife
- A more supportive wife who has your back
Both will:
- Feel more valued, loved and connected
- Provide a better model for your children
- Be more productive
- Be happier overall
The program is Zoom based, and currently consists of three 2.5 hour Zoom based calls, typically on Fridays for to accommodate most schedules.
Contact us here to get on the waiting list for the next available program!