We are a connected community of like-minded  men (especially dads) who are passionate and willing to do the work to improve our lives and help others.  We are self aware (or at least working on it), hard working and committed to getting better, by optimizing body and mind.  Simply put, we are dads who are bringing out the best in each other!

We have moved beyond, or are willing to move beyond, victim thinking.  We are dads who don’t believe in handouts, but are looking for more success, generosity, abundance and love in our lives.  We are individuals looking to be part of a trusted community of dads who are not perfect, but are very real.  We are men who know that there is power in numbers.  We are dads who believe in the family unit and are committed to do our part to make the world a better place by showing up better for our sons, daughters, wives, and communities.  



You will get to:

  • A coaching, mentoring and master-mind group designed to foster your growth and performance as a man and as a dad - to level up in life. 
  • Have full 24/7 access to our own, private Mighty Network, where men support you, have your back, and help you be better - optimize life
  • Have the option to meet weekly with subject matter experts and real men/dads, via weekly Zoom calls that cover the most important things that apply to men/dads today
  • Have one-on-one access to all men/dads, for on-going mentoring, in the inner circle
  • Find the fast track to improve whatever area of life that you are looking to improve: Fitness, Finances, Focus and more
  • Have one-on-one access to the Thumos Founder
  • Follow a proven path to find and fulfill your purpose, mission and vision for your life
  • Get advice, answers and solutions to your health, hormones, diet, nutrition, workout and recovery questions
  • Get priority registration on the Thumos Weekend Experience
  • Be part of the recommended reading/audios
  • Have access to the exclusive list of recommendations and resources that have evolved through a collective century of experience from it's members
  • Obtain more passion, vibrance, and confidence in your life.  You will be 'winning'.  
  • Plus more....                                  

JOIN NOW - $97



This circle of men/dads meets weekly, via Zoom.  The objective is simple – to optimize life.  The results?  Well, let's just say that they are powerful!


  • Computer or phone to access the Mighty Network (a private forum for Thumos members) and Zoom.
  • Cost is currently only - $97 per month ($65 if you agree to bring a man within 8 weeks of joining), drafted monthly, or discounted slightly for quarterly and annual payments. 
  • No contracts - ever.  Stop at any time.  
  • There are currently two optional Zoom based call-in options (Tuesday 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM, CST) and Thursday (7 PM, CST). 
    • These are private calls where mutual coaching and learning takes place.
    • They are not recorded.
    • Both calls have the same subject, which changes weekly. 

What to Expect:

  • Connection, learning and sharing per the Mighty Network: Profiles of each member, connection based on expertise and interest, local meet-up events and daily content for growth.  
  • 4 meeting topics per month (can attend up to 8 meetings, 4 Tuesdays and 4 Thursdays). Each meeting is led by the Founder or delegate.
  • A weekly theme, with supporting quote, videos, insights and weekly challenge.  Themes are on Faith, Family, Fitness, F-Game, Focus, Fun, Friends, and Finances (our 8 F's).  
  • You will be encouraged, but not required, to attend The Weekend Experience.
  • You will have the option to join Thumos Strong, a program within the Thumos Mighty Network to transform you body and overall health.  Fitness is still focused on (along with 7 other F's, such as Focus and Family) within the community.  The difference is that Thumos Strong is a complete package, covering hormones, nutrition, supplements, workouts, recovery, optimizing hacks, and more, and it offers on-going coaching via the private Mighty Network.  

JOIN NOW - $97


"My husband has been involved in a men's group for many years. He has participated or lead these groups... he’s walked away from each one a stronger man. Being part of Thumos Dad's group has been an experience and challenge unlike any men’s group he’s been with. It gives him a purpose, insight into others and a sense of masculine pride that trickles down into our home. 



“In Thumos USA's Inner Circle, I found a like-minded group of men who share a mission of strengthening one another through community.  These are normal men who share a desire to focus on improving themselves through one another.  Like many of us caught up in the “daily grind,”  I was climbing the mountain of life alone. Thumos has had an incredible positive impact on me as a husband & father.  It is a unique and rewarding brotherhood.”Have more questions?


Simply put (in my words), Thumos exists to help optimize men, so that we may become better leaders, friends, husbands, and fathers. We are all striving and learning every day to become what we refer to as Integrated Men.  I have found in this amazing group, men who selflessly and with love, lift other men up, support, hold accountable, challenge, and inspire the others. 


Contact us for more information.

JOIN NOW - $97