Finding Fun
I must admit, the F of Fun is one of my lowest-scored F’s. I am an extremely task-oriented and task-focused individual and often I equate fun to wasted time. For those of you who are naturally extroverted that may sound crazy. The truth is, when I don’t purpose in some fun in my life, I move further away from love. For me, the opposite of fun shows up as a serious, task-oriented mindset. I am less empathetic, less focused on others, less caring, and typically intolerable of anything that is off task. That, my friends, is not exemplary of my mission.
That said, I am taking several steps to inject fun into my life. The first step for me is to recognize that there is value in fun. That may seem elementary (it probably is), but if I don’t find value in something I won’t commit any of my resources (time, talent, treasure) to it. The next step is to define what “fun” is to me. For some it may be going on a vacation or enjoying a wonderful dinner with a loved one. For others it may be enjoying a good book. Often times, for me it is something as basic as finding time with no tasks to perform so there is an extended period of rest. Once I have fun defined, the next step is the hardest one for me. That is, scheduling in or setting aside time for that fun. If I have deemed fun to have value, then I will allocate the most valuable resource I have to it… time.
How are you doing with the F of Fun? Are you like me and are finding it difficult to value fun and/or purpose it in your daily or weekly life? Or is Fun one of the F’s you are excelling in? If it is the latter, share some of the ways you inject fun into your normal routine. If it is the former, reach out to a man that is excelling in this area. Fun is a critical part of a man’s game. Going extended periods without it can lead to mental and physical exhaustion and can serve as a doorway to our shadow. Knowing that truth alone is what helps me focus on finding fun.