The Inner Circle

- Level up your game, in life!
- Be part of a connected-circle of like-minded men, via the private, Mighty Network
- Get support from men who have your back, help you grow and assure that you show up better in business, health, and life
- Have access to two Zoom calls per week, covering topics aligned with our 8 F system (faith, family, finances, etc.)
- Meet weekly with subject matter experts, and the seasoned, in the aspects of optimizing men - body, mind, heart, and spirit
- Follow a proven path to find and fulfill your purpose, mission and vision for your life
- Get advice, answers and solutions to your health, hormones, diet, nutrition, workout and recovery questions
- Plus more.... click here to find out more
Thumos Strong
- Get ready to look, feel, and perform better than ever
- A complete, self-paced, virtual program to transform your body
- Add lean muscle, gain strength, and optimize health
- Get support, accountability and learning from others on the journey with you.
- Get on-going coaching from the Thumos Founder
- Be part of Thumos' Mighty Network and Inner Circle, where like minded men are growing, learning, sharing and winning.
- Get clear on all foundational elements to transform your body (your why, hormones, supplements, nutrition, recovery, special hacks and more. Click here to find out more
The Weekend Experience
- Unlock the potential that’s already inside of you
- Disconnect from current reality and re-discover nature, peace and God
- Stand shoulder to shoulder and sit knee to knee with like-minded men, to help them get whatever it is they came for
- Learn, share, and develop a plan, to maximize mind (passion, purpose, perspective, and path forward) and body (health, energy and performance) to unlock the spirit (faith) in side of you.
- Integrate as a man to identity strengths and areas that need focus
- Go-back home with with a huge injection of passion and energy
- Show up better for your wife, kids, and love ones
- Be part of a coaching & mentoring community, where men are real
- Be met where you are, but expect to get clarity on where you are going
- Optimize your life! For more weekend information click here
- Have the option to stay connected, and further integrate what you learned, with like-minded men, via the Inner Circle private membership
Work Directly With The Thumos Founder & CEO
"I love working directly with people. In short, I can now say that I have a very good, fully integrated life - mind, body and spirit, but I can assure you that it has not always been this way. I've grinded, struggled and failed - often. But, ultimately I improved through focus, mentors, doing the internal and external 'work', and receiving blessings. My aim now is to help as many men as possible, as fast as practical, to unlock their full potential & optimize life! We are doing this now within Thumos. Men are 'winning' again. They are getting huge doses of clarity, purpose and passion. They are doing more, making more, and building more. I've coached a lot of men. I know men. Discernment is my gift, from God, to the world and I'm using it for good to help men improve lives. Working directly with me is a fast track to get to where you want to go!"
If I can help just one person on the the journey of life, it will have all been worth it! Click here to get your questions answered. - Jody Licatino, Coach, CEO, & Founder of Thumos USA